Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The Worst Trip Ever

The year was 1997, and my soon to be wife wanted me to take her camping. After I agreed, she decided that all her friends needed to come along. None of them had never been camping before and they wanted to go. By the time I was ready to go the party had grown to seven, my wife and I plus 3 of her friends and 2 of mine. 7 people, 2 campsites, and 3 tents headed off for McKaskey Creek on Lake Allatoona. The lake is a nice place if you like to boat, ski or ride jet skis. If you are looking for a nice quite place to fish, swim or just be lazy you should probably go somewhere else. When we arrived and time came to set up camp it became clear that I was the only one that had ever been camping before. I had to set up all the tents, gather the firewood, start the fire, and set out chairs for everyone. My soon to be wife helped a little, everyone else just got in the way. Then the arguments started over who was sleeping in what tent and with whom. I finally told them that my wife and I were sleeping in my tent and I didn't care what the rest did. Then the un-forcasted rain started! I had to scramble to put a shelter up over the table with all our food and a lot of the gear because there was little room left in the tents. That was LOTS of fun! We were stuck crowded in the bigger 6 person tent, which really only sleep 4 for most of the day. Fuses got short and I decided just to go get rained on by the lake since most of the boaters went in. We did get to go out later that afternoon when the rains stopped, but it was short lived because it stared back about bed time. That is when we realized that 1 of the tents leaked like crazy. I gave up my 4 man tent to 1 of my friends and 2 of her's. She and I slept in the big tent with another couple. At 4 am I was awaken by an alarm clock that the girl sharing a tent with us brought to wake her up in time to go home and feed her dogs. Yea, she had to go feed her dogs. McKaskey creek is a government managed area and locks the gates at 9 pm and opens at 8 am. I told her that but she insisted on trying anyway. In order to not wake anyone she didn't turn on the headlights and ran off the run almost hitting the tent and got stuck. To top it all of the truck needed power steering fluid and squealed like a demon when turned waking everyone in the general area. Then the bald tires squealing on the wet mud woke the rest of the campgrounds. After getting the truck unstuck I decided to call it a trip and started packing. It was the camping trip from HELL! My bad experience aside, McKaskey creek is not a good place to camp. You should avoid it at all cost, the campsites are to close to gather, and it was not all that clean. You had to share tables with the sites around you and most were no where near the water. They locked the gates, so if you want to go out and do something you have to be back by 9 pm, and you can only have 1 vehicle per site. The rest have to park about a mile away and walk. Not even a bad hiking trail, just up the road. I'm not real sure how they keep the place open


Jess said...

It wasn't that bad. It was then that I realized that I would marry you!!

Wanda said...

What about the time your truck burnt up! Where you camping then or just visiting Jess? That was at Macedonia. Great place to fish, but not much fun for camping unless you really like to "rough" water.

Mandi said...

Not that bad? It sounds horrible to me! I'm glad you made it out alive (and without killing anyone).